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Lymphatic Drainage - In the Know

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

The lymphatic system transports protein, fat cells and white blood cells throughout the body. Damage to the lymphatic system can lead to pain, swelling and health problems.

With Lymphatic Drainage Massage, the areas of lymph are messaged to release stored fluids and aid in draining. This helps with a normal working lymphatic system and optimal body functioning.

While plastic surgery procedures help with the needs of that tissue and body organ it can often lead to lymph vessels nodes being misaligned. But this is often realigned during the recovery period.

Lymphatic drainage massage can help reduce the time needed for the lymph to repair by facilitating the transportation of the lymph fluid, reducing edema and soothing discomfort.

Lymph fluid is an important aspect in the waste elimination technique of the body.


  • Pain Relief. Post plastic surgery massage helps to recuperate with minimal pain. Healing is also shortened while blood cells populate the surgical area and facilitate blood clotting. Lymphatic massage also improves comfort and reduce pain from the massaging and relaxing effects.

  • Reduction in Edema. It relaxes muscles and improves circulation. This prevents the blockage of lymph vessels, which causes swelling.

  • Increased Circulation. Lymphatic massage relaxes the walls of the blood vessels in the surrounding tissues to improve circulation of oxygen in the blood.

  • Immune System Support. Because the lymphatic system is responsible for the detoxification and flushing out of wastes, massage streamlines and facilitates the function of the lymphatic system, to support the health of the immune system.


Med Esthetics. (2022, February 4). Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Erika Tempro. Carol Stream, IL.

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